Building an AI based learning experience platform.
Online learning and certification have brought an immense change in the way to acquire knowledge. Various options on the internet are flexible and budget-friendly. But it becomes difficult for the learner to understand which learning course is legit and beneficial for the learners. Skillqore is a product designed to collate all the data of various courses across the internet. It is an AI-based learning experience platform that provides you with multiple course materials.

The client wanted a single platform that could provide all the information related to the course at a single search.To develop a skill there are many courses with a lot of information present online. They wanted to find a way to bring all this information together. They required a method in which we have legit paid courses that are free of cost.As some of the free materials are equally good as the paid ones. For instance, when a person tries to search for a course related to digital marketing, they should get a list of all the courses which are present online either paid or unpaid.
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To develop this product we had to understand the requirements from a learner's perspective.By getting on a quick survey about online learning we could understand that people prefer a one-stop-shop which would provide them all the study material for a course. They wanted a platform that compares various courses. It can be either paid or an unpaid course.
Our biggest challenge was to collaborate all the data online for the required courses. Also, a platform that updates the course materials as per the trends and upgrades.We also needed a method to maintain the progress of completion of all the courses undertaken by the learnerWhile building the platform, we came across various online materials and certifications. We developed an AI-based learning platform that provides access to online material.It gives you access to the courses from various certification platforms, YouTube, and some renowned universities like Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The University of Queensland, etc Skillqore is a learning partner with edx, Coursera, Linkedin Learning, Amazon, etc .
It also provided a space on the platform to check the progress of all the courses completed.Skillqore is now providing thousands of courses that are finely collected online.It has become a personalized learning space where the learner can add the skill set as required, get a course and qualify for better opportunities. Skillqore compares all the data for the courses which are required. The learner can select a free or paid course, whichever suits them accordingly. By choosing a free course, they might get a basic understanding of the course and later opt for an advanced paid course. The Skillqore platform gives complete freedom to the learners with a chance to develop new skills.